Displaying 61 - 81 of 81 in total
S2E3 - Rev. Michael Beck – The power of words, tattoos, and AA
In episode 3 of season 2, Doug and J.R. have a conversation around the prayer of Examen and seeing God in both the good things and the tough things in ministry. Furthe...
S2E2 - Steve Cuss – Managing leadership anxiety, part 2
Have you ever experienced anxiety as a leader? Part 2 of our conversation with Steve is crash course is Family Systems Theory, theology of anxiety, and Romans 6. So mu...
S2E1 - Steve Cuss – Understanding who you are, part 1
Doug and J.R. are back in the saddle after a great first season! Is there a better way to start than reflecting on the first season, talking about pumpkin spice, and l...
S1E17 - A.J. Swoboda –Legos, tears, and the dark night of the soul
A safe place for Pastors to be people… When J.R. and I set out to start MMP this is what we envisioned. This is our final episode of season 1, it is powerful. We have ...
S1E16 - A look back on the first 15 episodes and a vision for the future of MMP
Doug and J.R. catch up and talk about the summer, momentum, attendance and ways to grow your church… just kidding about growing your church. But J.R. does know Phil Co...
S1E15 - everyone’s pastor, no one’s friend
Doug and J.R talk about payday… and it’s not what you think. But the days of ministry when you see the work that God has done through you. The conversation this week J...
S1E14 - A nuts and bolts conversation around spiritual direction with Cyd Holsclaw
Doug and J.R. catch up over the first few weeks of the summer and talk headlines from the Babylon Bee. Our guest this week is pastor, author, spiritual director and ou...
S1E13 - The Church and mental illness; creating safe communities
This week J.R. and Doug talk about ghosting aka people leaving your community poorly. We look at the hard reality of leaving and we talk about healthy ways to do so a...
S1E12 - Pastors and mental health, an oft overlooked conversation - Dave Eckert
This week J.R. and Doug talk about secret pastor code words. That’s right we have acronyms too, eat your hearts out counselors and social workers! Check out the episod...
S1E11 - Managing the week and spiritual formation with Josh Meyer (Part 2 of 2)
This week, Doug and J.R. continue their conversation with Josh Meyer.Resources:Categories from Josh’s doctoral dissertation on what helps sustain pastorsHonesty – Past...
S1E10 - Managing the week and spiritual formation with Josh Meyer (Part 1 of 2)
Doug and J.R. talk about the importance of hobbies and have a conversation with Josh Meyer about change in the church and letting others speak truth over the lies we’r...
S1E9 - Information does not equal transformation: a conversation and invitation from Doug and J.R.
Doug and J.R. talk about transformation as more than information. They also share some simple practices to keep one fresh and growing. Lastly this episode is an invita...
S1E8 - Letting go of Sunday: a conversation with Pastor Drew Jackson
What would happen if you and your staff was tragically killed by a beer truck (or bread truck)? I know it sounds like a morbid conversation but the question helps lead...
S1E7 - Getting to know yourself in the descent: Kitchen bowls and singleness, a conversation with Jared Mackey
Doug and J.R. look at the reality of loneliness of pastors and leaders. Be warned, there are no answers just some thoughts and ideas. Disclaimer, we are not endorsed b...
S1E6 - Dave Sharpes - belovedness, transitions and the future of healthy pastors and kingdom leaders
Doug and J.R. talk about joy, how they look for joy and what blocks it. J.R. discusses racing an eighty-year-old man at the pool the other day. We have the privilege t...
S1E5- Lacy Finn Borgo - Listening not fixing: a conversation with a spiritual director
“Be as gentle to yourself as God is with you!” Doug and J.R look at some more random stuff in J.R.’s office and talk about Spurgeon, his cigars, and metaphors from one...
S1E4 - Jon Hand - Life and practice after a spiritual stroke
What you give out cannot exceed what you take in. On this episode, Doug and J.R look at some random stuff in J.R.’s office and talk about gumball machines, oxygen mask...
S1E3 - Mandy Smith - Micro practices in the life of the healthy pastor
What do you do when you are B.L.A.S.T.ed? In other words, what do you do as a pastor when you are Bored, Lonely, Anxious/Afraid, Stressed, or Tired? Doug and J.R take ...
S1E2 - Skye Jethani - Encouraged by the pain, angst, and struggle in the church
On this episode of MMP, Doug and J.R. talk about sanity, sheep, fleas, and oil … and we are excited to share an amazing conversation with author/speaker/minister, Skye...
S1E1 - Doug and J.R. - Monday Morning Pastor: where pastors can be people
Welcome to the Monday Morning Pastor podcast: a place where pastors can be people. Doug and J.R. share their stories as we take an honest look at the pitfalls of pasto...
Monday Morning Pastor Trailer
The MMP trailer, introducing the message behind J.R. and Doug’s vision for the podcast and how they hope it will encourage and lift up the heads of pastors and min...