S1E12 - Pastors and mental health, an oft overlooked conversation - Dave Eckert
This week J.R. and Doug talk about secret pastor code words. That’s right we have acronyms too, eat your hearts out counselors and social workers! Check out the episode to hear all about it. J.R. and Doug have a conversation with Dave Eckert. Dave begins the conversation with a startling statistic, 24% of all pastors are diagnosed with a mental illness. A word about Dave, He is a pastor and also works for a ministry called intersect that supports those standing at the intersection of faith and mental health. So this week we are going to talk about mental illness and pastors. This is an important conversation so listen up.
Access Services (Intersect Initiative) / www.accessservices.org/intersect / 215.540.2150. ext. 1286
Spurgeon’s Sorrows: Realistic Hope for those who Suffer from Depression by Zack Eswine
The Lighthouse Network: 1.844.543.3242 / www.lighthousenetwork.org
Focus on the Family: www.focusonthefamily.com / 1.855.771.4357
Diane Langberg and Associates: www.dianelangberg.com
The Copeland Center (WRAP Planning): www.copelandcenter.com
The great give away, J.R. is giving away 25 copies of his book, Fail: Finding Hope and Grace in the Midst of Ministry Failure to the first 25 people who write a review on our itunes page. To get a free copy of J.R.’s book, all you need to do is write a review, and then email Jane@Kairospartnerships.org your address and we will get it out to you. There is 1 left!!!!
If you have any questions, comments, or thoughts for the show drop us a line, voice mail or smoke signal at dougmoister@gmail.com. We are a new podcast so we ask you to make sure to subscribe, write a review, and share this with other pastors and kingdom leaders. We hope to see the MMP community grow.