S1E14 - A nuts and bolts conversation around spiritual direction with Cyd Holsclaw
Doug and J.R. catch up over the first few weeks of the summer and talk headlines from the Babylon Bee. Our guest this week is pastor, author, spiritual director and our friend Cyd Holsclaw. This episode goes deep into the framework and importance of spiritual direction. If you have questions around spiritual direction or have been curious for a while, this is for you. This is also a great resource for all those listening around the questions and movements that seem to push one towards wanting to pursue direction.
The Critical journey by Janet O. Hagberg and Robert A. Guelich
If you have any questions, comments, or thoughts for the show drop us a line, voice mail or smoke signal at dougmoister@gmail.com. We are a new podcast so we ask you to make sure to subscribe, write a review, and share this with other pastors and kingdom leaders. We hope to see the MMP community grow.