S1E7 - Getting to know yourself in the descent: Kitchen bowls and singleness, a conversation with Jared Mackey
Doug and J.R. look at the reality of loneliness of pastors and leaders. Be warned, there are no answers just some thoughts and ideas. Disclaimer, we are not endorsed by Andy Crouch in this episode. However, if you have not read much of his stuff…. DO IT.
“Honest” and “hopeful” are the adjectives I would use to describe the conversation with Jared Mackey. There is so much wisdom and everyday practicality in this interview with Jared. We are trying to work out a deal to get his pizza recipe! We hope you find this as hope-filled, practical and inspiring as we head into the summer months.
God in My Everything. Ken Shigematsu
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Questions for reflection:
1. Where are you experiencing joy with God and with yourself?
2. What text, practice, and community will you give yourself to this week?
3. Where do you experience joy with you?
4. Where do you experience joy with God?
5. Where do you experience joy with others?
6. Where do you experience joy with your work?
The great give away, J.R. is giving away 25 copies of his book, Fail: Finding Hope and Grace in the Midst of Ministry Failure to the first 25 people who write a review on our itunes page. To get a free copy of J.R.’s book, all you need to do is write a review, and then email Jane@Kairospartnerships.org your address and we will get it out to you. There are only a few left!
If you have any questions, comments, or thoughts for the show drop us a line, voice mail or smoke signal at dougmoister@gmail.com. We are a new podcast so we ask you to make sure to subscribe, write a review, and share this with other pastors and kingdom leaders. We hope to see the MMP community grow.