S1E8 - Letting go of Sunday: a conversation with Pastor Drew Jackson
What would happen if you and your staff was tragically killed by a beer truck (or bread truck)? I know it sounds like a morbid conversation but the question helps leaders think through where we need to grow our leadership and how we can give away what we do. Our guest this week is Pastor Drew Jackson, a church planter at Hope East Village in NYC who has been a friend of J.R. and Doug for some time. He has a wealth of experience and is dedicated to pursuing justice in the face of racism and unjust systems. Drew brings us to look into some of the hard things that leaders are afraid to enter into as we think about leadership as performance. We are grateful to spend time with this guy!
App: StayFocusd – you can type in the amount of time you want to use social media per day. (this is to help J.R. to stay off the cat videos on YouTube.)
1. Sit down and map out your emotional sabbath day. Maybe it’s a graph or a line chart, but the goal is to see where your emotions go.
2. John 15:1-8: Think through the idea of not striving, accomplishing, or doing but simply abiding.
Questions for reflection:
1. What ships do we need to pay attention to and what ships do we need to let go?
2. What 2 to 3 adjectives would you use to describe the emotional state of your soul today?
The great give away, J.R. is giving away 25 copies of his book, Fail: Finding Hope and Grace in the Midst of Ministry Failure to the first 25 people who write a review on our itunes page. To get a free copy of J.R.’s book, all you need to do is write a review, and then email Jane@Kairospartnerships.org your address and we will get it out to you
If you have any questions, comments, or thoughts for the show drop us a line, voice mail or smoke signal at dougmoister@gmail.com. We are a new podcast so we ask you to make sure to subscribe, write a review, and share this with other pastors and kingdom leaders. We hope to see the MMP community grow.